Can toddlers get cradle cap? Yes.

Cradle cap is essentially a form of seborrheic dermatitis, which is notorious for creating oily or crusty patches on the skin that may appear scaly. It typically isn’t painful, but the thick scales can be difficult to remove if not properly treated. Since this is just a simple skin condition, anyone, at any age, may …

How Do You Get Rid of Cradle Cap on a Toddler?

Despite its name, cradle cap can happen to children of any age. This term just refers to the version of seborrheic dermatitis that is specifically diagnosed in infants and babies. Toddlers can get the condition, and importunately there are ways to get rid of it. In older teens and adults, seborrheic dermatitis can lead to …

The symptoms for dry scalp and cradle cap can be very similar, especially to non-medical personnel as most of us are. It’s important to know the difference between the two, because each condition should be treated in its own way for best results. Below you’ll learn the difference between these two conditions, so if your …

The flaky, crusty scalp you see on your baby is actually not much of an issue for your baby, but it does usually have a nasty-looking appearance, and no parent wants their infant to have to deal with the effects of cradle cap. There are several tactics you can use to try and hasten the …

Hair is often thought by many as the crowning glory. Many babies born with a full head of hair will often lose it in their first year, and babies who are born bald won’t stay that way their whole life. Still, as a baby changes over the first year of life, changes in the scalp …

Bathing a newborn is an important process, since it protects them from germs and bacteria, and helps keep them clean for the day. It’s also good to know just how often bathing should occur since excessive baths might dry out baby’s skin and inadequate bathing might expose them to harmful bacteria. Continue reading below to …

The majority of infants will go through a brief period where they are troubled by cradle cap, otherwise known as seborrheic dermatitis. This is not something you should be overly alarmed about, because in the majority of cases, it’s just a phase you’re infant is going through, and it will clear up all by itself. …

Medically, it’s not really necessary to try and eliminate dandruff from your baby’s scalp, since it presents no health threat to your child, and in the majority of cases, it is believed by some medical professionals that it likely causes no discomfort to your baby. However, it can appear to be unsightly, and many parents …

Many parents are uncertain about how frequently to wash their child’s hair, especially in cases where dandruff has developed or where cradle cap may be affecting the child. It can actually be very important that you don’t overdo shampooing your baby’s hair, because that can dry it out and cause more harm than good. Continue …

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin condition that mostly affects the oily parts of the body. The condition is characterized by rashes, flaking, and scaling of such parts as the face, scalp, upper chest, armpits, and the groin area. Seborrheic dermatitis that affects the scalp manifests as dandruff. The National Center for Biotechnology Information …