How to Get Rid of Baby Dandruff

Medically, it’s not really necessary to try and eliminate dandruff from your baby’s scalp, since it presents no health threat to your child, and in the majority of cases, it is believed by some medical professionals that it likely causes no discomfort to your baby. However, it can appear to be unsightly, and many parents worry about it bothering their child, so they prefer to take steps to try and eliminate it.

There are some home-remedy kinds of things you can do which will help to reduce or eliminate the appearance of dandruff on your baby’s head. Keep in mind that in most cases, the flaking will simply go away of its own accord after several weeks, although it has been known to persist for up to a year in some babies.

How to Get Rid of Baby Dandruff

One of the most effective things you can do to reduce dry skin in your baby’s scalp is to brush it regularly with a soft brush, oils such as baby oil or coconut oil, and then shampoo. When brushing the scalp, you should make gentle strokes, while being very careful not to scrape the flakes or pick at them, because this could irritate them and cause them to become inflamed.

The best method to use is to slowly brush the affected area while moving in one direction, and to continue brushing all your baby’s hair to remove flakes. You can also shampoo the baby’s hair regularly, or you might want to try hydrating with a cream or lotion that eases the flakiness. If you do this, however, make sure to remove the lotion or cream afterward, because it may clog up the pores and contribute to the condition.

What Causes Baby Dandruff?

Baby dandruff is generally caused simply because the skin has become very dry, and there are a number of reasons why it would become dry in the first place. It is possible that your baby’s skin has become sunburned, but most parents are pretty cautious about this, so that it’s not a common cause. More likely, the dryness on the scalp will be caused by either using a shampoo that’s too strong or by shampooing too often, so as to dry out the skin.

It’s also possible that the baby’s head has not been rinsed off well enough after shampooing so that some of the shampoo elements remain on their skin. One of the most likely causes of newborn dandruff is in excess of sebum which is produced by the sebaceous glands under the scalp. These glands are also located in several other areas on the head, as well as in the upper chest, back, and groin. If your child is bothered by any pre-existing skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema, those can also be significant contributors to newborn dry-scalp.
How to Get Rid of Baby Dandruff - Sebaceous Gland

How Long Will My Baby Have Dandruff?

In most cases, this condition will be short-lived and will not trouble your child very much. In the majority of cases, it will clear up all by itself in a matter of one or two weeks, and it doesn’t usually return. However, there are times when it persists longer than that, and you may be interested in taking some of the steps described above to help alleviate the situation.

Use Our Specialty Brush for Your Baby’s Dandruff

Flakiness appearing on your baby’s head is a very common condition, and it is thought that as many as 70% of all babies will experience some form of mild dryness within the first three months after birth. While this is nothing to be alarmed about, and doesn’t really cause any pain or discomfort to your child, you may wish to accelerate the removal of it.

One of the best things you can do in this regard is to gently brush your baby’s scalp with a soft brush which has been specially manufactured for this purpose. Here at Bean-b-Clean, we have developed an extremely effective, and easy to clean, brush for cradle cap and flaking. Find a store near you that carries our baby cradle cap brush to acquire your own brush, and to help remove dandruff from your child’s scalp, in a soothing, relaxing manner which your baby will enjoy.