What New Parents Need from Retailers

How to market to new parents

What do new parents need from retailers? Research has identified what today’s new parents care about most.

New Parents Are Diverse

One of the most striking features today’s new parents is their diversity. Marketers need to consider racial and cultural diversity as well as diverse family models.

Here are some stats from AdAge:

  • 4 out of 10 are single parents
  • 67 percent are multicultural
  • 61% of births are to unmarried women
  • About half of children are non-white

Thinking about diversity – in all its incarnations – will help brands to connect with today’s young parents.

Digital Natives Have High Online Expectations

Today’s parents are digital natives who grew up with technology. They spend a whole lot of time online. According to BabyCenter research, young moms spend 4-5 hours per day online on a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

They use their smartphones to shop online and also while they are in stores. Mobile marketing should tie into in-store marketing.

Social Media Is a Parenting Tool

Young parents have strong social media habits. They bring their lives as parents to these platforms.

A recent Forbes article noted that 97 percent of moms and 93 percent of dads turn to social media for parenting advice.

Sharing content around parenting trends, funny parenting fails, or tried-and-true parenting advice will go a long way toward engaging young parents and make it more likely that they will try your brand.

How To Videos Work

Parents crave guidance and answers, especially when they’re parents of infants. Video is currently the format that gets the most attention online.

Brands that provide tutorials and information in videos posted at their websites, on YouTube and on social media will have an edge in getting attention.

Be Easy and Real

New parents are busy! Focus your marketing on tactics that are easy and convenient. Make details like reviews and specifications easy to find. Ensure online purchases are quick and easy. Provide accurate, educational and informative content.

Be accurate in your marketing. Moms and dads today want to see real people in their advertising. And, they want to see brands living up to their professed values.

Millennial parents have different values and characteristics than earlier parenting generations. Knowing what they are will help you engage these new parents and create long-term, meaningful customer relationships.